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A primary principle of public power is delivery of electricity and water at the lowest possible cost. Under my leadership your electricity rates did not increase during the recent 5 years of economic downturn and raging inflation. You also will not see the 20-30% electric bill increases facing customers throughout the nation. I demand smart use of your money and will continue to be tough on budgets.
The PUD Community Support Plan I approved is in the third year of providing financial and energy saving assistance to thousands who experienced a loss of income or unemployment due to COVID-19.
You asked for PUD programs that fit your lifestyle. I listened. Today residential and business customers have more choices for energy efficiency, conservation, renewable energy, car chargers, flex-energy rates and much more.
I Commit to
Minimizing impacts from inflation on PUD budgets and financial plans
Stable rates and budgets
Expand PUD Commission outreach to customers
Decide broadband services to underserved communities
System upgrades that give you control of your power use, bill amount and payment options that work for you.
Reduce storm power outages
Support for low-income and seniors
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